a hidden gem
Recently, a woman in an art workshop said that Ort Gallery was a ‘hidden gem’, and I completely agree. Rather, I would say that it is Balsall Heath in general that should be considered a hidden gem.

An honest reflection…
…on the inevitably slow and uncomfortable journey towards equity in a community organisation

Asuf Ishaq Interview | Mother
What was your initial inspiration for the project ‘Mother’?
In my MFA [Master of Fine Arts] research, I have been exploring themes of migration, representation of experience, story telling, trauma, and diasporic body as an archive.

Balancing Work & Life – A Conversation
Ort Gallery was recently accepted onto East Street Arts’ prestigious GUILD project, a comprehensive programme of research, mentoring, tailored support, and infrastructure and space development for artist-led spaces. During the first induction session of the programme Director Josie and Diversity Consultant Anisa met lots of other artists running spaces across the UK and one of the topics discussed was around balancing work and life and avoiding burn out. Following this, Josie started an email exchange with one of Ort’s Steering Committee members Sarah, who is also a good friend of hers, about their experiences of juggling work and life.