Artist website

Tuesday to Friday 10am to 2pm, Free entry

To visit after 2pm or on the weekend please contact us

Celebration Exhibition

Jason Clarke
6 July – 10 July 2021

Jason Clarke was a bipolar artist. After being admitted to hospital with a worsening condition, he was introduced to art. Art helped to focus his mind and he would empty his terrors, horrors and demons. Anything weighing him down. He could complete a drawing every 2-3 days and finished 10 pieces in 1 stay at the hospital. The drawings were completed on A2 paper with gel pens in black and white. Every picture details his personal, innermost thoughts. Drawing was a second language, drawing was freedom.

Jason passed away on April 16th 2020 from Covid. He was a patient at the psychiatric hospital but was transferred to New Cross where he died in ITU. Not long before going into hospital Jason told his life partner Sarah, he wasn’t getting a break from things in his head. The last eighteen months before his death had been difficult for him.

This show is a celebration of Jason’s life and his artwork. In association with Arts All Over The Place.


Truck Art


Recipes for Resistance