Artist website

Associated events

Death, Faith & Cancer Discussion Group

Ort Gallery12 May 2018
2:00 pm

Precious Family Craft Workshop

Ort Gallery29 May 2018
2:00 pm

Artist Charlotte Jarvis has collaborated with Prof. Hans Clevers and Dr Jarno Drost at the Hubrecht Institute to grow her own tumour.

The tumour is gut cancer that is genetically ‘Charlotte’ – grown from her own cells in the lab and exhibited in installation. The project aims to examine mortality and create a dialogue with and about cancer.

The exhibition is made up of ‘sets’ in which the artist literally waits to meet and eventually confronts her tumour, but also a symbolic space in which the project can be discussed, dissected, communicated and ultimately created.

For more info please read the Press Release here

We invite you to the exhibition opening on the 10 May 6-8pm, free all welcome. The exhibition will be on show at Ort Gallery from 10 May to 21 June 2018.


Members Show 2018


Ghost Streets of Balsall Heath