policies & More

As part of our Warmth work we want to be more transparent about the inner workings of our organisation. Here we share our policies, procedures and other documents with you as we update them. Please feel free to copy our work and make it your own, community means sharing resources and knowledge.

Please let us know if you found our work helpful, we want to know when we do well and when we need to do better. Please get in touch with any suggestions for improvement.


Access Guide (This document refers to our old venue, however, as we still use the Moseley Community Hub for workshops please refer to this document if visiting this venue)

Large Print Access Guide (see above)

Prompt Sheet for Access Requirements

Anti-Racism Action Plan 2023-2024

Code of Conduct | Audience

Code of Conduct | Staff

Complaints Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Data Protection Policy

Equity and Inclusion Policy

Equitable Recruitment Policy

Family Leave & Reproductive Rights Policy (Coming Soon)

How we are funded & How we spend our money (2024-2026)

Payment & Salary Policy

Safeguarding Policy (New Update Coming Soon)

Social Media Policy

What we pay

Whistleblowing Policy